Les Catalpas - La Braudière - 36120 Saint-Aout - France
Tél. +33 - 2 - 54 36 73 83

Tariffs 2000

High season (july, august) 
from Sat. 14h to Sat. 10h
FF 2 000,00  / week euro 303,03 / week
Mid season (april, may, june, sept., oct.) 
from Sat. 14h to Sat. 10h
FF 1 500,00 / week euro 227,27 / week
from Fri. 17h to Sun. 20h
FF 600,00 euro 90,90
Overnight (4 pers.)
(Additional persons: children. -12yrs FF 60,00; Adults FF 75,00)
FF 300,00 euro 45,45
Energy consumption FF 200,00 / week euro 30,30 / week
Fee for animals FF 5,00 / day euro 0,75 / day

Conditions for reservation


The reservation is confirmed upon receipt of a down payment, to be sent along with the registration form below completely filled-out and signed. Payments shall be made by french cheques, payable to Mme. C. Désiré, or international money order.
The remainder is due upon arrival. For each mobile home, a safety deposit of FF 1000,-- is required upon hand-over of the keys.

Canceling a reservation should be done in written form, as early as possible. With cancellations before April 30 the down payment will be returned, minus a processing fee (FF 160,--). After this date, we reserve the right to any decision concerning the down payment.

Every reservation is kept up until 8 o'clock  a.m. the following morning after due arrival. After this time, without information, the reservation is cancelled according to above conditions. In case of premature depart, no money will be returned.




NAME - FIRST NAME .................................................................... Tel.  ....................

           No. Adults (   )     No. children (   )        Animals (   )

We would like to place a reservation for a Mobil-home
for the period from  ....................................  until ..........................................

Down payment 25% of the total cost of the stay:     = FF .........................

 ...................................   Date: .........................   Signature:  ..................................